Excellent innovation work: decor metall GmbH convinced as a think tank in the 29th round of the TOP 100 competition. It has been awarded the TOP 100 seal 2022 for this. Only particularly innovative medium-sized companies receive this award.
As part of the TOP 100 innovation competition, participants have to go through a scientific selection process. Innovation researcher Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke and his team used more than 100 innovation indicators to examine the innovation-promoting top management, the innovation climate, innovative processes and organization, the external orientation and innovation successes of each participating company. In principle, the TOP 100 analysis deals with the question of whether a company’s innovations are just a random product or are systematically planned and thus repeatable in the future. Particular emphasis is placed on the question of whether and how innovations and product improvements will prevail on the market.
decor metall GmbH has already participated in this competition for the 2nd time and is once again one of the award-winning top innovators.
decor metall is a leading manufacturer of high-quality individual presentation concepts and POS solutions and a certified partner for brand owners from various industries at home and abroad. The company employs 185 people at its headquarters in Bad Salzuflen. The range of services includes sales displays, shelf integrations, shop-in-shop concepts, brand stores and shopfitting. “decor metall showcases brands. Wherever brands are sold. That’s why innovations in our industry are particularly important, because our customers rightly expect new, imaginative, exciting and special solutions to present their products and their brand at the point of sale,” says Thomas Löhr, Managing Director at decor metall GmbH. “And only if the business processes themselves are constantly put to the test and are geared towards that customer-related innovations are not castles in the air, but are consciously planned, systematically pass through the company and all employees are involved in these innovation processes, a company has the innovative strength and is equipped to meet the challenges and the change of the market and to grow continuously. And decor metall has been proving this for almost 60 years,” adds Thomas Löhr.
To ensure that all applicants have the same opportunities, the TOP 100 seal is awarded in three size classes: up to 50, 51 to 200 and more than 200 employees. A total of 436 medium-sized stands had applied, 294 of them were successful and thus belong to this year’s TOP 100 (maximum 100 per size class).
On June 24, there will be a second reason to celebrate: Then the top innovators of the 2022 vintage will come together in Frankfurt am Main for the award ceremony at the German SME Summit and will be personally honored by Ranga Yogeshwar for their achievements. The science journalist has been accompanying the innovation competition as a mentor for eleven years.
The competition TOP 100: Since 1993, compamedia has been awarding the TOP 100 seal for special innovative strength and above-average innovation success to medium-sized companies. The scientific direction has been in the hands of Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke since 2002. Franke is the founder and director of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. With 25 research awards and over 200 publications, he is one of the world’s leading innovation researchers. Top 100’s mentor is science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar. Project partners are the “Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung” and the German “Mittelstandsverband BVMW”. The magazines manager “magazin” and “impulse” accompany the company comparison as media partners.
Bad Salzuflen, February 02, 2022