
Einblicke in
unsere Arbeitswelt

Marcel Gabler, Apprentice

I have started an apprenticeship as an industrial clerk at decor metall in 2021.

I applied at decor metall because I am very interested in the metal industry. In addition, decor metall has a good reputation and stands for quality, which can also be seen in the certificates acquired.
And by the way, you will also be well remunerated during your training at decor metall.

I really enjoy the apprenticeship – among other things because of my nice colleagues who are very helpful. But also the opportunity to get to know all areas of the company is great, because I think it is important to understand the overall context and company processes in order to develop a comprehensive understanding of the work in the company.
And with the laptop that decor metall has made available to me, I can also create report books for my apprenticeship from home, for example.



Do you want to showcase your brand impressively at the POS?
Then contact us!

3 + 10 =

decor metall GmbH
Benzstraße 1-5
D-32108 Bad Salzuflen

+49 (0) 5222 286-0


We are looking forward to meeting you!

5 + 10 =

decor metall GmbH
Benzstraße 1-5
32108 Bad Salzuflen

Tel  +49 5222 286-0
Fax +49 5222 286-189

E-Mail: info@decor-metall.de